Every dog owner knows the trouble … it happens easily and fast. It requires us to act fast.
>>>> DOG DIARRHEA <<<<
When your dog suffers under diarrhea there are endless ways to help ASAP.
Myki is my first dog (a husky) and with him I had and still have to learn a lot, which is why I appreciated any advice and help from the vet, from my cousin (owning a ridgeback), my travel-mate (owning a red-setter) or my other friends (owning also a husky, a labrador and a mud and other kind of dogs).
With this post I wanna help y’all to help your fury babies to get well soon by sharing our experiences …
1) first thing you wanna do is the most known home medicine:
Boil everything and start feeding it. Stop feeding regular food and any treats until diarrhea stops.
2) MÖHR’SCHE SUPPE: don’t know the English name but it’s basically a simply carrot soup.
only ingredients: 500g carrots, one tea spoon of salt & 1L water
Clean carrots, cut in pieces and boil in light salty water. Most important tho:
boil carrots AT LEAST 90minutes!!! That will break the saccharides which then will give the carrots a real sweet taste. After 90minutes skip the rest of the water (only keep ~5 spoons) and smash the carrots with a blender or mixer. This soup is extremely healthy for your dogs digestion!
– side note: it’s also VERY healthy for us humans. It will clean your dogs colon and helps it to recover faster. I could only find the recipe in German but for more information click here.
3) marsh or in German called Moor to make your dogs poo more consistent
Is the diarrheas caused by a virus you’ll need some more help then that.
Medicine you should always have at home or on vacation:
4) dia tab supports the colon to recover and keeps your dog hydrated
5) canekur paste stops the urgent poop attacks and helps the colon to recover faster
Myki had a really bad virus twice so far. That kind kept us busy for a whole week – day and night ! We both were so tired and exhausted but the second time our new vet gave us the Canekur Paste which really helped way faster ! I’m truly thankful for any advice and support I received back then and today. If you have a dog you need a good vet and good friends – you need a pet family, cause someone will always have a good advice for you ❤️